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populated area造句

"populated area"是什么意思  
  • However, the modified mercalli intensity reached ix, and the occurrence of the earthquake in a highly populated area makes it of engineering significance .
  • Suppose he gets out . has one of his little mood swings in a populated area
  • Cause and preventive treatment of destruction to rigid pavement of road in populated area
  • Downsized weapons would probably offer greater utility in less populated areas
  • A military cargo plane , flying over a populated area , suddenly loses power and starts to nose down
  • Some densely populated areas are supplemented with conventional line maps for easy reference
  • The prevention programme is mainly confined to densely populated areas with a high risk of malaria transmission
  • The prevention programme is mainly confined to densely populated areas with a high risk of malaria transmission
  • As it touches down , the shuttle will glide over heavily populated areas in central america and points north
  • A powerful earthquake shook a sparsely - populated area of iran sunday , killing at least 10 people and injuring several others
  • It's difficult to see populated area in a sentence. 用populated area造句挺难的
  • The preferential use of runways and flight paths at night to avoid overflying densely populated areas as much as possible
  • In the early 1980s , the population of sham shui po reached nearly 500 , 000 , and is currently the most densely populated area in hong kong
  • This machine applies to the populated area laying down interior outside reach the street road or various entertainment and a public place and living place
  • Changing weather patterns may also put density populated area at risk of deadly flooding along with the resulting contaminate of food and water supplies
  • Changing weather patterns may also put densely populated areas and at risk of deadly flooding , along with the resulting contamination of food and water supplies
  • Changing weather patterns may also put densely populated areas at risk of deadly flooding , along with the resulting contamination of food and water supplies
  • Changing weather patterns may also put densely populated areas at risk of deadly flooding , along with the resulting contamination of food and water supplies
  • Changing weather patterns may also put densely - populated areas at risk of deadly flooding along with the resulting contamination of food and water supplies
  • Changing weather patterns may also put densely populated areas at risk of deadly flooding , along with the resulting contamination of food and water supplies
  • Conventional small wind turbines are designed to have rotor blades , which require large spaces to operate in and need to be located away from populated areas
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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